That is what I am dealing with today.
It seems there are so many things we cannot and may never know about how Spirit works in our lives.
What if one is told the miracle will happen just so he or she can deal with the real outcome in a positive way? What if this helps one not to "fall to pieces" and therefore be present in body, mind and spirit when the reality of a situation reveals there is no miracle?
We can never know the full story. As a psychic/medium, I can only convey what I am told to convey. This is a huge responsibility and no one is ever 100% correct. And of course, free will is always a factor in things that happen or do not happen.
Perhaps the miracle will present itself another time or perhaps the miracle came in a way I do not know about at this time.
I honor Spirit in all I do and realize again and again I am the messenger, the vessel, and am not God or Goddess or a Higher Power.
I thank all of you who read this blog, and I welcome comments.