Tuesday, December 13, 2011


There are so many things in this life we will never fully understand.
We are not yet capable to delve deep deep deep into the truth of understanding.
We have maybe not advanced enough spiritually, or maybe even physically, and certainly not mentally.
We have to make do with what we deem the truth to be and to try and do our best at whatever we are called to endure, enjoy, and share.

After all, life is a mixture of sweet rain and rotten leaves.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving and giving thanks

No, I am not going to write a diatribe about American Indians VS Europeans and say that at least one time they all sat down together and shared food. Or so we have been told.
Instead, I am going to say how grateful I am that the past year and all its changes for me is coming to a close.
I have learned so much about patience, listening, paying more attention and how important good friends are.

I say a heartfelt thank you to all who emailed to see how I was doing and those who use me as their spiritual advisor and those who have helped me in this time of spiritual healing. How blessed I am!

My son and his family are doing great - all three babies are growing and every time I hear one of them say, "Nana," my heart soars.

I am working on a new book of modern day ceremonies and plan to have it ready soon.

I am living in a peaceful place with good spirits all around.....

Yes, I am thankful.

For all - the good and the not so good - for after all, that is the balance of the Universe.

Stay strong and stay grateful.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October, new old house, poetry

I am reminded this morning of a short story I wrote years ago in which one of the characters said, "It's raining colors."
She was, of course, referring to the leaves falling in these old mountains. I love this time of year.

I have moved to a sweet little older house in Candler and I am in love with it. It sits on a site of over two acres and there are woods and deer and land! How I have missed being connected with land!

Plus, a psychic/medium should never live in a condo. That one you can figure out, I am sure.

I am thinking of Pablo Neruda and his magnificent poetry this morning.
I will never be the wordsmith he was. This I know for sure.

But I wonder ... did he talk with the dead as I do?

Happy Autumn to all of you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My hair and a book signing

I have had my hair stripped, cut and it is sassy and makes me feel good!

I'll be at Malaprops Bookstore this Saturday (8/13) from 3-5 reading from my newest book:

A Book of Spiritual Wisdom for all days.

With each purchase of a book, you will receive a free 5-10 minute psychic reading!

50 Haywood St.
Asheville, NC


Monday, July 4, 2011

New poem

I taste mint coming in on the rain
athough I have not eaten any in years

I taste mint
meant to remind me

we can never really forget

MariJo Moore © July 4, 2011

for Dustan

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Morning messages

We did not come this time to reach our potential.
We came to find our path.

Everyone has a path to follow, to help widen, to walk, run, crawl, dance through.
Not down. Through.

As we learn, we teach, as we teach, we learn.
Old adage reworded a bit, but just as true today as when it was first breathed eons ago.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This Morning

I was taking Hercules for a walk and there, lying peacefully in the sun, was a beautiful long black snake.
Resting. I asked her what was her message for me and she said, "You are being taught to trust the process.
To trust Spirit in and for everything."

I think I finally get it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't Forget

reading and signing of new book
A Book of Spiritual Wisdom - for all days
Saturday, June 4, 1:00 PM
Crystal Visions
5426 Asheville Highway
Hendersonville, NC 28791
(828) 687-1193

Hope to see you there!!!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I have learned living in a condo

Vampires melt in the sun, but if they have an umbrella, they won't melt: my four year old downstairs neighbor told me this early this morning.

Cowbirds do not look like cows. I put a little bird feeder on my balcony and a pair of cowbirds have claimed it.
They make the most interesting sounds: all whistles and gurgles.

The creek down below keeps flowing, whether I do or not.

Life unfolds as it should and I am just a tiny bit of the whole system.

Going up and down three flights of stairs does wonders for one's backside.

I need to see what I am not seeing, and accept what I have seen so my poor red eye can heal.
And Makayla, my nine year old granddaughter says that when she pushes her baby sister's nose, (Brooklyn is now seven weeks old) her eyes blink.
And Emma, my six year old granddaugher says she loves my new "moonscapes" on my balcony.
Those of you who know me well, know that I put suns and moons and stars everywhere.

Thank you to all who have ordered my latest book: A Book of Spiritual Wisdom - for all days.
Getting some really nice comments on it!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New poem

Early this morning, right after dawn
sitting in my home, reading a poem, looking at my dining room wall

The mask.
Look at the mask!

Which mask makes the most meaning today?

The tiny colorful bird mask from Guatemala
carved from a piece of throw away wood
by hands more grateful for work than cultural heritage

the long thin Kenyan face
intimidating and lovely at once
hiding a secret of centuries


the sweet tiger mask
missing its right ear
(what did it hear it could no longer live with?)

the gaudy devil mask
smiling with knowing
designed to scare away evil and question daily sins

ceramic Mayan gods - wooden Aztec gods
scattered throughout the wall
overseers of all, pretending to be serene, yet so very intimate?

The mask.
Look at the mask!

Now, that I have written this, I can go back to reading
Lorca’s poem, “Dance of Death.”
My Spanish is in need of major healing.

MariJo Moore © March 24, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Love and guts and blood

My third granddaughter Brooklyn Leigh Jaynes was born this past Thursday. She is as beautiful as the other two and when I first held her I was reminded once again that true love exists.

I just read some of Cheri Jones's poetry for her new book and I was taken aback with the beauty of the rawness in her chosen words to make us think. Keep writing, Cheri! You have the guts of a true poetess!

Asked by Amy Krout Horn to give a bookliner quote for her autobiography, My Father's Blood, I was touched to the core by her willingness to share her remarkable story with the world.

Love and guts and blood....

isn't that what life is all about?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Middle of January

I am here in my rented condo and finally thawing out from the trauma of the past year. Whew! So much went on that pulled and pushed me in a direction I had no idea I was heading. Life has a way of doing that: just when you think you have it all figured out, it changes on you.

I sold my house and five acres, didn't buy the little house I thought I was going to, and am now living in a condo on the third floor. No elevator - I like it that way because I have to exercise whether I want to or not.

I want to thank all of you who sent emails encouraging me and sending prayers my way. Sometimes, when in the middle of trauma, we do not even realize we are traumatized. It is only after the fact that we realize what we have been through and realize how much the prayers of others have helped us stay strong.

Again, thank you.

I am working on a new book now: A Book of Spiritual Wisdom-For All Days.
More info on this later.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

Hello everyone...
The last two weeks of 2010 were the most trying for me that I have ever experienced.

My house and land sold (the buyers got a great deal but at least it is sold) and we were scheduled to close on the 22. So, on the 21, my son and I loaded a UHaul with my remaining possessions (thanks to all of you who bought what I sold and accepted what I gifted). That afternoon, I received a call stating that there was a problem with the bank's computer (buyer's loan) and so the closing was put off for a week. We had to unload the UHaul and return it (it was due back and they would not allow me to keep it as someone else had already reserved it).
Then, the snow and ice came. I was stuck in the house for almost a week (praying the electricity would stay on as I had already given away all my wood) and eating canned soup. I did get to see my son and his family on Christmas Eve so that was a blessing.

I had found a little house to buy on Chunn's Cove in Asheville. The day before the closing, I received a phone call saying there was another glitch in the buyers' HUD loan and so the closing might be put off again. Thankfully, it wasn't but when I went to the closing to buy the little house I was told by my attorney that the owner could not produce a marketable title. In other words, if I bought this house, I would not be able to resell it or really ever own it. This was the day I was supposed to move out of the cabin.
I decided it was not in my best interest to buy the little house, and since I had to move out of the cabin, my son and I rented yet another UHAUL and took all my possessions to a storage building. Thanks to Trisha, who works there, I was able to keep my wits about me as we unloaded the truck.
I am waiting to hear if I can get earnest money back since the owner said that if I would use HIS lawyer he could produce a marketable title.
Hope this doesn't turn into a court case.

Hercules (my little terrier) and I then rented a motel room and we have been here since Thursday night. My friends Anna and Suzie have GRACIOUSLY asked me to stay in their basement apt until I decide what I am going to do. But right now, I have decided to stay here in the motel and try to find a nice place to rent. I am shy of trying to buy again.


after all of that, I do have some positive notes.

I am grateful for my family and friends, and that I am healthy and so are my family.

My son found a great job with the school system working with autistic students.

I wrote (in three weeks) the first draft of my new book: Spiritual Wisdom: A Book for All Days and hope to have it available for sale soon.

I have learned that life has lots of surprises and I have definitely learned once again how to roll with the flow.