Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spirituality Is Paying Attention

Last night I was dealing with the fact that I needed to let go of anger and resentment toward myself concerning how I have given so much money to those I thought were in need, instead of being more concerned for my own financial future.
I don't only mean family, I mean friends or people I have come in contact with.
Money that was given freely, or loaned and never paid back.

I needed to forgive myself for what I thought was the cause of why I am now going through certain circumstances.

While giving a reading to a client this morning, he said "I don't know why I feel like I have given and given and now I need help and no one is giving to me. I think giving too much and helping others too much is a weakness I have." He was then told by the spirit of his grandfather, "That is part of your nature. That is what makes you who you are. Forgive yourself and know that whatever you have given has been and will be forever given back to you."

Not only did he hear what he needed to hear, I heard what I needed to hear just by following my path and doing what I am called to do.

I have given and given and I will always receive what I need, but not always from those I have given to. If I truly believe that giving is a circle, like everything else in life, then I have to believe that those who were helped by money I gave them have helped or will help others in return.

So now, I don't see myself as one who has to loan or give in order for people to "like or accept" me.
I see myself as one who has learned another great lesson by paying attention.

What goes around comes around....


  1. "If I truly believe that giving is a circle, like everything else in life, then I have to believe that those who were helped by money I gave them have helped or will help others in return."
    These are the kind of words that could take a lifetime to truly understand...

  2. Marijo

    My computer won't let me reply through your website.

    LIked your blog.
    I know about the giving dilemma.
    I finally decided I wouldn't loan anything any more; any $ I give is a gift.
    When I was homeless, people took me in. I could only pay them by giving them a painting I had done.
    My son gave me a hard - earned $ but he has a family.
    Another friend asked if I would keep needing to borrow?
    When I tried to pay her back she said it was a gift. Go figure.
    You and I are generous souls.
    Our circumstances are that even if we pay attention, we still have lessons to learn about something.
    You are in my prayers,
